LR Calgold
LR Calgold is a unique calcium supplement formula for pets with added advantage of phytoextracts. The product comes in highly palatable liquid form in strawberry flavour which is liked by pets. The product helps in improving bone and tooth strength. LR Calgold also improves joint strength and protects your pets from Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia. The product also expedites the recovery after fractures. LR Calgold also promotes bone development in younger pets and prevents bone deformity. LR Calgold improves lactation in lactating mother pets.
Product Type: Animal Feed Supplement
Product Form: Liquid
SKU Size: 200mlLR Flite
LR Flite spray is a herbal ectoparasiticide which comes in 90 ml packaging. The product has to be diluted in water in proportion of 30ml per 1 litre. The product is effective in three different ways. LR Flite reduces the egg laying capacity of animals, it reduces egg hatching percentage of the eggs and also has impact on the adult ticks. LR Flite is effective against ticks, fleas, flies, mites etc. It also has flies repelling property.
Product Type: Ayurvedic Veterinary Medicine
Product Form: Liquid
SKU Size: 30mlLR Livofit
LR Livofit is the only liver tonic in paste form for pets. LR Livofit improves metabolism, improves enzymes secretion and also has antitoxic properties. It acts against adverse effects of drug reactions. Can be used as a supportive drug treatment. The product LR Livofit also prevents anorexia. It improves growth of the pets. It also boosts immunity. The product is safe for prolonged consumption. Helps in healing metabolic disorders. It also cures constipation, diarrhoea and also parasitic infections. The product is a good weight gainer and is highly palatable.
Product Type: Animal Feed Supplement
Product Form: Paste
SKU Size: 100gmLR Minvit Tab
LR Minvit Tab is a complete minerals and vitamins mixture. The product Promotes growth, prevents hairloss, improves skincoat in pets. The product has anti-stress properties, it also improves calcium absorption, boosts immunity and improves muscle tonicity and strengthens bones. The product is a herbal immunity booster with active phytochemical ingredients.
Product Type: Animal Feed Supplement
Product Form: Tablets
SKU Size: 100 TabletsLR Neuroplus
LR Neuroplus is a unique herbal nervine tonic which improves impulse transmission and conduction in pets. LR Neuroplus also makes pets smarter and more alert. LR Neuroplus effectively works against conditions like Hemiplegia, Paraplegia and Quadriplegia in pets. LR Neuroplus also repairs nerve damage, reduces pain and inflammation, relieves stress. It also acts as a great brain cell tonic. It can be used as a supportive therapy with antimicrobial or antiparasitic drugs. It is a unique and very effective nervine tonic with added advantages of herbal extracts.
Product Type: Animal Feed Supplement
Product Form: Liquid
SKU Size: 200mlLR Renal Guard
LR Renal Guard is a renal tonic for pets. It can be used as a supportive with prolonged antibiotic treatment. The product improves renal functions and prevents renal diseases. LR Renal Guard helps in flushing kidney more effectively and flushes out the uric acid deposited in the kidneys. LR Renal Guard acts on adverse drug reactions on kidney.
Product Type: Animal Feed Supplement
Product Form: Tablets
SKU Size: 50 TabsMaggolar
Maggolar is a multipurpose solution for skin and allied infections. LR Maggolar comes in a aluminium spray bottle of 100ml. This is used for treatment of Maggoted wounds, FMD foot lesions, skin diseases of various types in animals. The Maggolar product is very effective in treatment of psoroptic, demodectic, chorioptic and sarcoptic manges. The product is also useful in curing surgical wounds, septic wounds, maggoted wounds, fungal infections and all other allied skin affections. This is a topical spray to be sprayed directly on the wound or infections.
Product Type: Ayurvedic Veterinary Medicine
Product Form: Liquid
SKU Size: 100ml